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About Homelessness

Homeless to Employed: Vince’s Story

Chris and Vince

A year ago, Vince walked through the doors of our Community Center, a place for homeless men and women to come in off the streets and engage in fun, relational activities as well as enjoy snacks and drinks. Vince struck up a conversation with Chris, one of our staff members, who encouraged him to check out our Link program.

Link is a 3-4 month program where homeless men live at the Burnside Shelter, receiving regular meals and shelter as well as resources to help them figure out their housing and employment situation. In return, the men work 25 hours a week at the Mission, doing jobs that help our facility run efficiently.

Vince joined our Link program, where he was able to save some money and attend job trainings and resume-crafting workshops. He formed relationships with staff and built a strong network of solid people that he could lean on and trust. So, you can imagine how excited we were when Vince walked in our doors last week announcing that he had just gotten a full-time job with McCormick and Schmick’s in Portland!

Proud of you, Vince! God is always faithful.


