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About Homelessness

Giving $100 to Homeless People

To must of us, getting handed $100 would be exciting. To a homeless person, it’s a lifeline. Check out this powerful video from “Give Back Films.”

While giving large amounts of money isn’t necessarily the best way to help a person on the street, this example of radical generosity reveals important truths:


Rhea, a homeless woman asking for money on the street corner, said that words often mean more than cash: “It honestly means more to me when someone just says hi and talks to me. More than when people give money.”

Remember that there is always something you can do to help a hurting person. You don’t have to give money. Check out our resources “7 Ways To Help A Hurting Person” and “How To Pack A Care Kit.”

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Rhea has been panhandling, or “flying a sign” for the last year.
