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A Second Chance – Rachel’s Story of Hope

Rachel awoke on a pile of dirt, freezing cold. It took her a minute, but then she remembered what happened. She had entered Shepherd’s Door, our addiction recovery program for women, but a series of poor choices led to her having to leave. Now she was alone, back on the streets, a place she’d vowed never to return to.

Read Rachel’s full Story of Hope here!

In that moment, Rachel knew she had to make a decision – one that would forever alter the trajectory of her life. Unsure how she would be received, Rachel returned to Shepherd’s Door, this time fully committed to recovery. Watch her video to find out what happens!

Watch Rachel’s amazing video here

More women like Rachel need your help to overcome addiction and recover to healthy lives. Please visit www.PortlandRescueMission.org/Rachel to donate today. Thank you for your compassionate support that is transforming lives!
