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Piff the Dragon works his magic, helping Portland Homeless

The show was sold out, but nobody responded. The character on stage asked again, “Does anybody have a 20 dollar bill?” Jonathan put his hand up in the air, holding the exact amount. What happened next, Jon never would have imagined, but perhaps that’s what you should expect at a magic show—the unexpected. Next moment…

162 January 27th, 2017 0
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AKA Direct – Directly Impacting the Mission

In this winter season, we are incredibly grateful for the generosity of countless individuals and businesses that have partnered with us, bringing light and hope to the men, women and children in our programs. One great example is the direct mail production company, AKA Direct. In addition to sponsoring our recent telethon events, they also…

145 January 18th, 2017 0
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Defining Moments | A word from the Executive Director

Last fall, America held its breath as the Chicago Cubs battled the Cleveland Indians in the World Series. After a 107-year drought, the Cubs emerged with a hard-won victory, breaking a century-old “curse” of loss. Even people who weren’t die-hard Cubs fans had to smile at their dramatic turn. It was a Disney movie feel-good…

148 January 9th, 2017 0
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5 Reasons to Volunteer in the New Year

It’s almost the new year and we all know what that means: Everyone around us is thinking resolutions—eat better, workout more, get my dream job, travel, write. Portland Rescue Mission would like to add one more to your list. Visit Portland Rescue Mission as a volunteer! Without the faithful service of our compassionate and loving…

151 December 28th, 2016 0
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Therapy dog wins hearts of children at The Mission

Luna has black curly hair, peppered with grey. She has four legs and is 67 pounds of pure love. Luna is a therapy dog. And not just any therapy dog, she is a golden doodle (half poodle and half retriever). Her highlights of the week is going with her owner, Judy, to visit the the…

147 November 21st, 2016 0
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Kyle Earlywine’s ‘whimsical’ journey to volunteer at Portland Rescue Mission

Stop by the Burnside Shelter on a Wednesday evening and you might run into Kyle Earlywine. Volunteering in the Guest Relations Office each week, Kyle greets everyone with a kind smile and an eagerness to see each guest facing homelessness get the help they need. Sometimes it’s answering a call and reassuring someone in distress.…

135 June 14th, 2016 0
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5 great reasons to volunteer at Portland Rescue Mission

At Portland Rescue Mission, we have over 1,000 volunteers that help us give hope and restore life to the men, women and children suffering from homelessness and addiction. Without the faithful service of our compassionate and loving volunteers, we would not have the manpower to offer the vast array of help and services that we…

130 April 8th, 2016 0
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‘Nurturing with food,’ how one volunteer loves Shepherd’s Door

It was a serendipitous visit. Stephanie Whittle came to Shepherd’s Door to donate a guitar. Little did she know that day would be the beginning of many visits. “I ended up here. I dropped off the guitar and I just stayed,” she said with a smile. “I fell in love with it.” Stephanie’s forte is…

128 March 9th, 2016 0
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Art at the Burnside Shelter inspires hope, encourages creativity and dreams

It’s noon on a Thursday at the Burnside Shelter. Thursdays are a good day. The Guest Care Center door is open and art and color and the sharing of life takes place. Step inside and you’ll meet Andrew and Erin. Both on staff at Portland Rescue Mission, the two wanted to create a place where…

131 February 12th, 2016 0
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Tim Lang says yes to ‘strange adventures’ at Portland Rescue Mission

Tim Lang made a decision: No matter what Portland Rescue Mission asked him, his answer would be yes. “I told God I’m here, this is where you want me to be and so obviously, anything the Mission wants from me is what you want from me, and I’m going to say yes,” he explained. “It’s…

137 December 9th, 2015 0
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