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the harbor

Mission Bar-B-Que, a hit at NW Alternative Housing’s annual picnic

The secret is out: Mission Bar-B-Que is a hit with people who have ordered from Portland Rescue Mission’s newest enterprise. Thanks, in part, to a story in The Oregonian about Mission Bar-B-Que pit master Dwight, a former New Life Ministries graduate of The Harbor, the praise keeps on coming. After reading Dwight’s story, as well…

103 August 27th, 2015 2
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End summer with a new job at Portland Rescue Mission

It’s back-to-school time, and that means for many people, either they are in school themselves, or they have kids who are. It could also mean that for those of you who are not in school might be thinking about a new job and career change. If so, consider what’s available at Portland Rescue Mission. At…

131 August 25th, 2015 0
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Dwight talks faith, direction and Mission Bar-B-Que with The Oregonian

Mission Bar-B-Que is not only the “best bar-b-que … in the northwest,” as described by two bar-b-que super fans from the south, it represents an entirely new enterprise for Portland Rescue Mission. And for Dwight, a former New Life Ministries graduate from The Harbor, it has also provided yet another life changing opportunity. After completing…

127 July 29th, 2015 0
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See lives transformed, join Portland Rescue Mission as a monthly supporter

Our dedicated staff and volunteers at Portland Rescue Mission love pouring out their hearts to serve men, women and children in need – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each year, at the Burnside Shelter, we serve over 330,000 nutritious meals and offer over 80,000 safe nights of shelter, as well as other…

117 July 23rd, 2015 0
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Join Portland Rescue Mission in giving hope, restoring life (job openings)

It’s summertime at Portland Rescue Mission, and while many people are slowing down and enjoying vacation, our dedicated staff and compassionate volunteers continue to help men, women and children overcome homelessness and addiction–loving every minute of it. Our Hope, Pathway and New Life Ministries are firing on all cylinders, and we are looking for new…

133 July 17th, 2015 0
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PDX Cru finds how it fits in God’s puzzle at The Harbor

It started out like any other summer. After another school year came to a close, and most college students were headed home until the fall, one group’s summer vacation would remain on hold for at least three weeks. As part of Cru’s summer service projects, a group of students from around the country, none of…

130 July 15th, 2015 0
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Steve finds his miracle, discovers new life at The Harbor

A Greyhound bus station is an unlikely place for a miracle. Steve had been living on the streets of California for over a year. Addicted for years, he’d long since sold his car and every last valuable he owned on one last drug frenzy. Steve had now given up on life. After manipulating every family…

121 June 30th, 2015 0
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Delighted southern couple deems Mission Bar-B-Que best in northwest

In case you haven’t heard, Mission Bar-B-Que is open for business at Portland Rescue Mission, and we can promise you, it’s really, really good. This, of course, may lead you to ask something else: How can we promise that, really? Well, we’re glad you asked. Now let us explain. On June 25th, we had our…

123 June 29th, 2015 0
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Start summer off with a new job at Portland Rescue Mission

With school over and summer in full swing, you might be in job search-mode. And if so, did you know Portland Rescue Mission is currently hiring? We have positions open at our three main facilities. We are actively looking to hire people who are passionate about helping hurting men, women and children who are homeless…

126 June 19th, 2015 0
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Vocational training, a focal point of recovery at The Harbor

At Portland Rescue Mission, our New Life Ministries truly are designed to give hope and restore life to the men, women and children we serve. For those who have finished the 12-month program, restoration and total life transformation is the ultimate objective. In fact, well over 50 percent of our graduates are still clean, sober…

111 June 13th, 2015 0
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