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Connection – The Opposite of Addiction

I heard a speaker recently who succinctly captured a deep truth behind much of what we do here at Portland Rescue Mission. “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.”   There are many reasons a person might become homeless. But relational isolation is experienced by all, especially if addictions…

144 March 21st, 2017 0
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Join our Marketing Team | Tell the Stories of the Homeless

  You are passionate about seeing the hurting find hope. You are a problem solver. You enjoy social media trends and analytics. You love writing… And that’s what makes you a great candidate for the position of Digital Marketing Specialist at Portland Rescue Mission! You will expand the message and ministry of Portland Rescue Mission…

175 March 9th, 2017 0
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Trusting Again- A Personal Recovery Story

  Recovery is a journey, and one that takes time—A journey in trusting again, in surrendering, in persevering. Each man and woman in our New Life Recovery program will probably tell you that the journey isn’t easy, but so worth it––worth becoming the new person they are today. Leslie* shared this letter recently with the…

144 March 7th, 2017 0
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