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burnside shelter

Not finished yet, Mike gets a second chance at The Harbor

“My life spun out of control, and I went off the deep end,” Mike explained about his life before Portland Rescue Mission. “I was a mess, and I told God ‘I’m done, just take me.’” But God had other plans. He wasn’t finished with Mike. Prior to coming to the men’s New Life Ministry at…

115 October 7th, 2015 0
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October 10th is World Homeless Action Day

How will you spend World Homeless Action Day?   October 10th marks the 5th annual World Homeless Action Day. Since it’s founding in 2010, this day has been observed in several dozen countries with the goal to raise awareness about homelessness as well as celebrate and support local efforts to care for men, women and…

127 October 7th, 2015 0
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Conversations at Connect: Joanna talks about the power of a meal

For Joanna, a consistent meal at Portland Rescue Mission changes everything. A meal can be a start to a changed life. At the Burnside Shelter, Joanna found more than food, she found her value as a person. Q: How would you describe what the Mission has done for you? A: “I’ve been helped greatly. You…

123 September 21st, 2015 0
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Looking back to ‘Stories of Hope’ at Portland Rescue Mission

Once September/October rolls around here at Portland Rescue Mission, things get extra busy for our organization. The fall is a very important time of the year for giving hope and restoring life to people in need. It’s also the time of year when, as the weather begins to change, and the temperature drops, needs are…

130 September 11th, 2015 0
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After losing 30 years of his life, Gary finds ‘home’ at Connect

Gary knows what it’s like to sleep outside. Cold, alone and afraid. He remembers the gnawing pain of hunger so strong that it kept him awake at night. “I’ve been so hungry. One time it was 3:00 AM and I knocked on somebody’s door begging for food. It was just a piece of bread, but…

119 September 8th, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission teaching guests to ‘Rent Well’ at Burnside Shelter

For those who participate in our Connect Ministry at Portland Rescue Mission, one of the main reasons they enter the program is to gain stabilization as they transition to permanent housing and/or a job. Connect is a key component of our Pathway Ministries. Our goal in helping men and women find housing inspired staff  at…

130 September 1st, 2015 2
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For people who are homeless, showers meet big needs at Burnside Shelter

For most people, a shower is a modern convenience – a regular part of our routine we give only a momentary thought. For others, it’s a lifeline, and one of the only things that makes them feel human again. “For men and women looking to get and hold a job, reestablish ties with friends and families,…

117 August 13th, 2015 0
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Recent heat wave = urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness

Already this summer, we’ve been scorched by some long stretches of very hot days, including last week’s record-setting temperatures when it was well over 100 degrees! Sweltering heat hits hard for men, women and children already struggling without food and shelter. Not just the literal heat that comes with the rising summertime temperatures here in the Rose City, but financial heat…

112 August 5th, 2015 0
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See lives transformed, join Portland Rescue Mission as a monthly supporter

Our dedicated staff and volunteers at Portland Rescue Mission love pouring out their hearts to serve men, women and children in need – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each year, at the Burnside Shelter, we serve over 330,000 nutritious meals and offer over 80,000 safe nights of shelter, as well as other…

117 July 23rd, 2015 0
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Homeless man’s music captivates nation, reconnects him with son (news roundup)

Here at Portland Rescue Mission, one of the greatest joys of what we do is to witness transformation in the lives of men, women and kids. From the moment someone steps into our New Life Ministries at either The Harbor or Shepherd’s Door, to the time they experience their graduation celebration, evidence of their past…

127 July 22nd, 2015 2
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