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burnside shelter

Portland Rescue Mission Personal Perspective: Gary Parkin

Volunteers play an invaluable role in the ministry of Portland Rescue Mission. In 2022 alone, 877 volunteers served a grand total of 15,397 hours. Each hour was filled with the kind of relational care that brings hope to men, women, and children who struggle with hunger and homelessness. The gifts of time, talent, and heart…

238 May 22nd, 2023
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Portland Rescue Mission Volunteer to Volunteer Manager

This week, we celebrate National Volunteer Week by spending some time with Volunteer Manager Allison Parris, who’s volunteer journey began at just 11 years old! Allison’s Story Allison first started serving at the Mission with her family when she was eleven. Like a lot of our volunteers, she started serving dinner at our Burnside Shelter…

233 April 19th, 2023
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Good Friday Message from Executive Director, Eric Bauer

Hear a Good Friday Message from the Executive Director of Portland Rescue Mission, Eric Bauer. For 75 years we’ve been able to offer the love and grace of Jesus Christ to those who are experiencing homelessness in the city of Portland. Your support has empowered us to offer compassionate care to neighbors in need.

212 April 7th, 2023
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“I Love Seeing Women’s Lives Changed”

Deanne K, Program Manager for Women’s Connect talks about why she loves her job and the lives she gets to touch at Portland Rescue Mission.

144 August 14th, 2019 0
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The Path to Homelessness May Not Be What You Think

The path to homelessness is complex. Beth’s story reminds us that life can take a dramatic turn that ends in homelessness and fear. Portland Rescue Mission is ready to give hope.

138 August 12th, 2019 0
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Burnside Blanket Drive

Tis the season of joy and generosity! As the days grow colder, the need for warm clothing and blankets grows at our Burnside shelter. Thanks to champions of the Mission like Oak Hills Presbyterian Church, we are able to continue offering blankets, coats and socks to men and women in need of extra warmth. Our…

122 December 11th, 2017 0
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7 Ways To Help Homeless People Beat The Heat

  A scorching heat wave continues across the Portland area. With temperatures well above 90 degrees, people living on the street, in garages or cars risk real danger. Dehydration, heat stroke, hunger, sickness and violence are a constant threat. You can help! Here’s 7 suggestions to reach out with love…   1. Refer people to our…

118 August 8th, 2017 0
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Season of HOPE: Summer at Portland Rescue Mission

Being homeless in the summer is no vacation. For people living on the streets, life is a constant threat of dehydration, heat stroke, hunger, sickness and violence. There’s no rest, only survival. There’s little dignity, only despair. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we have a chance to meet these urgent needs and give hope…

110 July 12th, 2017 0
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Join the Community In Raising The Roof at Burnside

Few of us know what it feels like to sleep outside in the rain, the cold and sometimes even the snow. Don knows exactly what that feels like. “I’ll never forget the first night out on the street that I was homeless. I had just cardboard that I pulled up around me and made a little…

118 June 14th, 2017 0
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LETTERS FROM LIBBY: Sharing the love of God, one handwritten story at a time.

At the beginning of May, I spent the day at the Burnside shelter, celebrating our guests.  It was our annual Birthday Party for the Homeless. The dining hall was decorated in bright colors, and every guest was receiving cards. Near the end of the evening, a guest looked up from their birthday card and asked,…

131 June 2nd, 2017 2
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