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Rosie the dog, more than just a companion at The Harbor

Being caught in the storms of addiction and homelessness can make for a rough ride, and the recovery journey is no exception. For men at The Harbor, our 12-month New Life Ministry at Portland Rescue Mission, this recovery journey is also one of the most challenging things they’ve ever had to navigate. That’s where Rosie…

109 July 6th, 2016 0
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Patrick’s journey at The Harbor hits new heights with baptism

Seven and a half months ago, before he ever walked through the doors at The Harbor, Patrick was an agnostic. For years, Patrick struggled with the idea of God. It was a confusing concept. For all that Patrick knew and learned throughout his life, he simply couldn’t define who God is. “Before I came to The…

85 March 25th, 2016 0
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Stories of hope from around Portland Rescue Mission

Portland Rescue Mission’s staff regularly share what we call “Glimmers of Hope,” stories of transformation and hope about the men, women and children we serve at the Mission. We want you to hear these stories too! Because of friends like you, we are able to give hope and restore life. Because of you, there are…

117 March 18th, 2016 0
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Vocational training, a focal point of recovery at The Harbor

At Portland Rescue Mission, our New Life Ministries truly are designed to give hope and restore life to the men, women and children we serve. For those who have finished the 12-month program, restoration and total life transformation is the ultimate objective. In fact, well over 50 percent of our graduates are still clean, sober…

84 June 13th, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission’s vignettes of hope (from the archives)

Men, women and children trapped in brokenness are being set free every day at Portland Rescue Mission. Watching God heal people through forgiveness and leaving the past behind is so inspiring to us. We love sharing these stories, especially through video, so you can meet the people you give hope to when you support the…

75 June 3rd, 2015 2
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Shepherd’s Door women using art to help solidify recovery process

For the women in our yearlong New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door, recovery is a challenging process to go through. In the safe, healing environment of Shepherd’s Door, these women learn to invite God into the wounds of their past, healing the root causes behind their addictions. The process often involves self-discovery through a variety of…

83 March 12th, 2015 0
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Help train New Life Ministries residents for Helvetia Half Marathon

Not all that long ago, Hunter Quinton’s life changed forever. (Watch Hunter’s Story of Hope). As one of the first graduates of our New Life Ministry at The Harbor since it moved into its new facility back in 2013, he discovered transformation comes in multiple facets. He trained for and completed a half-marathon with Up…

84 February 24th, 2015 0
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