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Xavier finds hope at The Harbor after 20 years homeless

Xavier never dreamed that he’d end up homeless. But at age 13, life on the streets seemed easier than enduring more abuse at home.

“It was scary, because you never know where your next meal’s going to come from. It was hunger pains. Not having clean clothes. It felt like hopelessness.”

Along with the pain of sleeping wet and cold, Xavier endured constant fear and isolation. Portland Rescue Mission was the one place he felt safe and welcome. A hot meal meant so much.

“That meal – it felt comforting. Not just the food. It was the people. On the streets, I was alone. At the Rescue Mission, it was community. It felt like years since someone cared for me like that.”

The care Xavier received helped him make a life-changing choice to pursue recovery at The Harbor, our New Life Ministry for men in northeast Portland. Counseling and reconnecting with God have helped him let go of the anger and mistrust that he clung to for so long. This Easter, Xavier celebrates a new life.

“I’m forgiven. That’s opened great doors for me. I have goals today and I know what I want to be. I have so much hope.”

Between now and Easter, people who are hurting or homeless turn to us for 700-800 hot, nutritious meals each day. Each meal is an opportunity to change a hurting person’s life. For some, the meal they get at the Mission will be the beginning of a new life in Christ. Men and women might come thinking they need nothing more than a meal, but then they find help to meet much deeper needs. And it all starts with their first visit to the Mission –

The first time they sit down at our table …
The first time the Easter story speaks straight to their heart …
The first time they find compassion, no strings attached.

Thank you for your partnership with Portland Rescue Mission… at Easter and all year. With your help, we serve everyone who comes to us. Lives like Xavier’s are transformed by the power of the resurrection. Your support makes new life possible. (Make a donation today).

