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The Greatest of These is Love

women praying at Portland Rescue Mission

. . . add to your. . . brotherly kindness love. 1 Peter 1: 5,7

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge . . .and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 1 Peter 1 5,7

Love is a word we use often. It can apply to tacos and to our best friend. We often don’t know what it truly means. But love is the highest preference we can give to another. It isn’t pity or patronizing. It is value. It has weight. 

When Love Takes Action

In the mid-80s, AIDs and HIV terrified the world because of misinformation and lack of understanding. No one understood it. Those who had it were untouchable and isolated. And then – in front of the world’s media – Princess Diana shook a man’s hand who was suffering from HIV. With a single gesture, Princess Diana showed that compassion, understanding, and love was needed, not fear. 

Love is action. 

When Jesus came to earth he divinely embodied love. Jesus showed us how to love well. He saw the humanity in each person. He gave first. In fact, he knew that the people around him could give him nothing that he needed. 

Yet, Jesus touched the leper in love (Mark 1:40-45)

Jesus fed the hungry in love (Matthew 15:32)

Jesus healed the sick in love. (Matthew 14:14).

The impact his love had on the world changed everything. 

There are things to do. Things that only love can be the motivating force. 

When we love our neighbors we change things. 

Each day our donors and volunteers change things. They are part of the ripple effect of love. 

People in Homelessness are Transformed by Love

Love changes the lives of people. Becki* came to Shepherd’ Door after she had been arrested and spent time in jail. She had made a lot of poor decisions and allowed bad influences in her life to drag her into addiction and fear. When her parole officer told Becki to go to Shepherd’s Door she was scared. Scared of the change that was coming. Scared of rejection and hurt. But she knew that she could not let her past mistakes define her life. 

“I came from a place of brokenness and hopelessness, a place overridden by guilt and shame,” Becki remembers. 

At Shepherd’s Door, Becki found compassion and wise counsel. With women walking beside her through the recovery process Becki uncovered a life-changing truth – others are genuinely concerned about her life and future. She journeyed out of the hopeless darkness and was shown the glorious light of God’s unfailing love. Today she knows the pure joy of knowing she is forgiven, saved and set free. 

“Since being at Shepherd’s Door, I have been transformed. I have built a new life for myself that starts with God as my foundation.” 

Now Becki has a loving community, strong accountability, and friendships that will last a lifetime.  Love built Becki a strong foundation for a new future. 

Join us in loving our neighbors. Give hope and new life to the hurting.  

*name changed
