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Burnside Shelter

Snow Day Pizza Surprise


The recent snowfall and below-freezing temperatures have increased people’s awareness of Portland’s homeless. We’ve seen many individuals and organizations generously step up, supplying the Mission with hats, coats, blankets, and even pizza…

“A woman called the front desk at Burnside the morning of our big snow storm last week. She immediately identified herself as Liberty and explained that she was looking outside her window and thinking about our guests. Her car was buried in snow so she would not be able to make it downtown from her Hillsboro home, but she was determined to serve our guests any way she could. Her and I brainstormed over the phone for a while regarding what she could give or how she could serve in such conditions. We came up with several good possibilities and she promised to call back shortly. Within 15 minutes, Liberty called back to inform me that 25 large pizzas would be delivered at 11:00am…So, on a Wednesday in a city where everything is closed down but Portland Rescue Mission, 200 guests ate hot pizza on one of the coldest days of the year. All because of Lady Liberty and her heart for service.”

–Andrew Hall, Guest Care Manger

Thank you to everyone who gave during our winter storms–providing warm clothing and funding to help men and women have safe, warm shelter this winter.

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