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Burnside Shelter

Once scared and overwhelmed, Mike found purpose at The Harbor

Between now and Easter, we will serve 700-800 meals each day as part of our Hope Ministries. Each meal serves as an opportunity to change a hurting person’s life. For some, the meal they get at Portland Rescue Mission will be the beginning of a new life in Jesus Christ. It was for Mike.

Before Mike came to Portland Rescue Mission, he was shocked at how difficult it was to survive while being homeless. “I woke up one morning on the Burnside Bridge in the middle of January and couldn’t feel my toes. I’d been wearing the same clothes for three days and decided that I couldn’t do this no more.”

Finding a job seemed impossible. Dealing drugs was the only occupation Mike had ever known since he was a teen. With a criminal record, no life skills, and no support from anyone around him, Mike felt like giving up.

Shortly thereafter, Mike met with someone at our Burnside Shelter. During his meeting, the staff member went on to ask him what some of his concerns were and what was really going on in Mike’s life. He answered him honestly: “I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to drink, I don’t want to use and I want off the streets.”

He was welcomed into the 12-month recovery program the very next day. Portland Rescue Mission’s New Life Ministry at The Harbor provided Mike with a way out.

Having a safe place to sleep, good meals and relational support rejuvenated him. Counseling helped him deal with tough things in his past, like the accidental death of his brother, which Mike carried guilt over for so long.

This Easter, Mike celebrates a brand new life. “I’ve learned how to look at the choices I make, my thought patterns and my behavior. I’m building a relationship with God. And I’m filled with a passion to help other people.

“Jesus has enabled me to love people right where they are.”

And thanks to your partnership — at Easter and all year long — hurting men and women just like Mike once was are being transformed regularly by the power of the resurrection. We are able to serve everyone who comes to us by giving hope and restoring life.

To help more men, women and children in need, make a special donation today online. Or call 503-MISSION (647-7466).
