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Burnside Shelter

Come to our Birthday Party on May 10th!

Portland Rescue Mission exists to give hope 24/7 days a week, 365 days a year to everyone who walks through our doors. But on one day in particular we have a little extra fun! At our annual Birthday Party for the Homeless, many of our guests will have their birthday celebrated for the first time in years.


At last year’s party there was Shari’s Pie aplenty, karaoke music blaring, friendly conversation bubbling and birthday cards for everyone!


“I loved the pie, the people here, the fun and conversation. Everything today makes me happy and brings me joy…It’s so nice to be able to get off the streets and be recognized. You guys went out of your way to make the people here feel special.” –James




“I’ve never seen a Mission or shelter that’s thrown such a nice party.” -Kirk




“Best party I’ve been to all year long.” –John




“I’ve already seen most of [my birthday wishes] come true … God watching over my family, God’s grace on my life and God’s guidance for the future of me and my son. I feel pretty blessed.”


We need your help again to make this year a success! CLICK HERE TO JOIN IN THE FUN ––send in a card or volunteer at the event.

Stay tuned for our Birthday Party “theme reveal” happening in a few days!
