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The Harbor – New Men’s Recovery Location Opens

2013-06-13 19.08.33-1 copy

Ribbon cutting at The Harbor: Terry Stokesbary (M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust), Eric Bauer (Portland Rescue Mission, Executive Director), Kathy Anfuso (Portland Rescue Mission, Board Member), Roger Wood (Tosoh Quartz), Ken Cowdery (Home Builders Foundation). Not pictured: Michael Montgomery (US Bank).

In the past year, 56 people died while living on the streets of Multnomah County, and 85 percent of those deaths were men. This tragic cycle can end as renovations have completed at The Harbor, Portland Rescue Mission’s home for men suffering from homelessness and addiction. 

The facility opened officially this month with a special dedication ceremony Thursday, June 13th. (Photos here and embedded below.)

The Harbor, formerly known as Next Step, is where men engage in Portland Rescue Mission’s New Life Ministry which focuses on addictions recovery, spiritual renewal and life skills, including counseling, education and vocational training. All services are free of cost to the residents thanks to the compassionate support from friends like you.

There were several organizations and foundations that also played a vital role in The Harbor renovations, including a US Bank sponsorship that provided $700,000 of Affordable Housing Program funds supplied by financial institutions. An additional $325,000 was donated in labor, materials and construction expertise by the Home Builders Foundation, led by Builder Captain Nathan D. Young Construction.  Other generous contributions came from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, Tosoh Quartz, Inc, Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund and the Ann and Bill Swindells Charitable Trust.

The men’s New Life Ministry was formerly located at our Burnside Shelter downtown. The Harbor opening enables us to expand capacity at our Burnside Shelter, increasing emergency care services such as meals and shelter for homeless men, women and children.

To celebrate The Harbor opening, you are invited to any of our four open house events, which include a themed meal and a tour of The Harbor. For more information and to RSVP, please go to www.portlandrescuemission.org/RSVP .
