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Shelter, Meals or Recovery Care: Your Choice Changes Lives!

How do people end up homeless?

Few of the people who come to Portland Rescue Mission for help ever expected to end up homeless. Certainly, none of them wanted the fear, hunger, cold, rejection, loneliness and regret they felt.

Sometimes people’s own choices drag them down into homelessness. Some chose drugs and alcohol as an escape from life. They don’t realize the terrible consequences until it’s too late.

For so many, the choice isn’t even theirs.

The stable, happy life they wanted is washed away almost without warning.

But we have good news!
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You have a chance to break the destructive cycle of homelessness and addiction.

Your choice to give today can make all the difference in the life of a hurting person!


When you make a choice to give, you give people a better choice to make!

Simply choose one of the areas below to make a difference for someone today:

  1. Give nourishing meals. To someone who has gone days without food, the meal you provide eases their hunger pains and surrounds them with people who care.


  1. Give safe shelter. Being homeless is incredibly dangerous. It’s hard to sleep knowing you’ll likely be stolen from, beat up or sexually abused. The safe bed you provide gives vital safety, a good night’s rest and connection to area resources for a better life.


  1. Give life-restoring recovery. Addiction destroys lives. Your support provides free yearlong residential recovery for men, women and children in safe, healing environments. Thanks to you, they move forward in life with strong relationships, connection to God and practical life skills.


Whether you want to provide hot, filling meals in our dining hall, provide a peaceful night’s rest in our shelter or lift people out of addiction,  your gift today will help neighbors find renewed hope in their lives.

Thank you for caring!
