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Burnside Shelter

Meaningful work that you love (job openings at Portland Rescue Mission)

One of our littlest residents writing notes to those in need.

One of our littlest residents writing notes to those in need.

Doing meaningful work is something we all strive for. It’s also the type of work that is a whole lot of fun to do day in and day out—which is exactly what’s available at Portland Rescue Mission. So, join the fun!

Do you have a knack for fixing cars? Is it something you do on the side as a hobby? Turn that into a job at the Mission as a vehicle mechanic at Drive Away Hunger.

Does hanging out with kids light you up? Do you love watching them learn, and teaching them new skills? Consider applying to be our Preschool Coordinator and guiding the lives of the children in our New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door.

Or maybe you’re just a huge fan of the Mission, and you want to engage with other champions of what we do by spreading the word about the transformative work being done here. If so, our job opening for a Donor Engagement Officer or Community Engagement Specialist might be the right fit for you.

Whatever the case may be, you can spend your working week at the Mission giving hope and restoring life for the men, women and children suffering from homelessness and addiction that we serve. It’s what we do! And you can be a part of it. (See all of our open jobs below and click on each one to read the description).

Take a glimpse at why our staff loves what they do, and what some of their favorite moments are from the last month:

Erik has completed Discovery and all 4 phases of Restoration Ministry! Huge transformation. Your future is bright! pic.twitter.com/YggZbO7JU7

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) February 5, 2016

Looking east up The Gorge. Blessed Harbor staff day @MenuchaRetreat – truly a sacred place for our purposeful work. pic.twitter.com/bPv9FYA9Kp

— PRM Bob Rapp (@prm_bob) January 31, 2016

Thanks @vinylusa for a great night of worship at The Harbor. You have a gift! pic.twitter.com/h5WijbZPtx

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) February 5, 2016

Mouth-watering burnt ends smoked to perfection by Mission Bar-B-Que Head Pitmaster Dave. https://t.co/6xj68P96va pic.twitter.com/pc48Pn87YI

— PRM Bob Rapp (@prm_bob) January 29, 2016

The best kind of fun at OMSI! Lovin' a Shepherd's Door field trip. pic.twitter.com/WLeOsWfegT

— PRM Christine Ourada (@prm_christine) February 9, 2016

We made a new friend at our art workshop! For Stewart, art keeps him alive. pic.twitter.com/k5QyeIJWF9

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) February 2, 2016

Thank you @trailblazers for your partnership with @pdxmission! We love coming to your games. 🙂 pic.twitter.com/OWnq4C5Ou9

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) February 1, 2016

Willamette Christian Church kids are learning that Jesus loves everyone. They made us 75 care packs! #thankful pic.twitter.com/2mgMEfjzCU

— Stephanie Berry (@prm_stephanie) February 17, 2016

Culture Training! New staff, new volunteers – we appreciate you!! pic.twitter.com/GujdGxfnvd

— Stephanie Berry (@prm_stephanie) January 26, 2016

Holly, Marva, Tim & I are having a great time sharing about PRM at Good Shepherd Community Church. #bettertogether pic.twitter.com/xvilYY2F3M

— Stephanie Berry (@prm_stephanie) February 7, 2016

NIGHT MINISTRY TEAM MEMBERPart-time at Burnside Shelter


WOMEN’S CONNECT NIGHT ASSOCIATEPart-time at Burnside Shelter

DONOR ENGAGEMENT OFFICERFull-time in the administration office

VEHICLE MECHANICFull-time at Drive Away Hunger

ASSISTANT COOKFull-time at Mission Bar-B-Que

PRESCHOOL COORDINATORFull-time at Shepherd’s Door

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTFull-time OR Part-time in the administration office

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SPECIALISTFull-time in the administration office

VOLUNTEER COORDINATORFull-time OR Part-time in the administration office
