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Inside the Mission

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Welcome to spring!

Like good news?

So do we. 

First, we are all in this together. During this time of crisis, neighbors are helping neighbors and it is very exciting. At Portland Rescue Mission we are daily celebrating how our community is coming together to support each other.

Here is some of the good news you might have missed. 

Flashback to March

In early March, pre-coronavirus, students from Ecola Bible College joined us this week for their spring break mission trip. They participated in various acts of service at Burnside, The Harbor, and The Men’s Community house to name a few. Signe, one of the students on the trip shared a beautiful story about her experience that she let us share with you: 

I met him one night at Burnside while I was bussing tables – sitting alone in a corner, isolated and cornered off to himself, he barely spoke when I greeted him. After sitting and asking basic questions, thanking him for being there, and introducing myself, he slowly began to look up from behind the beanie that was pulled down nearly over the top of his glasses. We sat and talked for over 30 minutes. Just small talk. He told me how hopeless he was, how alone and abandoned he felt. In that moment, I realized how helpless I was, how broken I was for him, and all I could share was the hope that I have in me, of Jesus. And though I couldn’t tangibly “prove” the hope within me, all I could do was tell him that he wasn’t alone, he was loved, he was seen, all by Someone who won’t go away in a week. Tears in both our eyes, I realized how very much I could not fix this. The next night he came back and this time, he opened up even a little bit more and showed me some of his drawings, which he explained that he never really showed anyone.

The final night, I brought him some pencils and a drawing pad, but he wasn’t there. I left the gifts with PRM; of course, it wasn’t the same.

Yes, it was really difficult to walk away from Burnside having made so many connections, especially with this man. Yes, tears in my eyes and heart were shed, but with the support of my mission family, I’ve realized that I did all I could and he is truly in God’s hands.

And Yes, I can still pray for this man and many others, but I have to trust that I did my best.

The mission family that I was part of challenged + pushed me to do my best, inspiring me in Christ-like service.

Knowing that you were praying and supporting me from your homes was deeply encouraging as well.

God has been working in my own heart through this past week; developing patience with myself + others, realizing my own imperfections + flaws + seeing the miracle of them being used for good.

God had answered my own prayer; that I would see people through His eyes – with compassion, love, pain, + that my own heart would be broken for them. I’ve never been more heartbroken over so many people at once, yet so encouraged by the deeply rooted joy the Christian staff + volunteers + recovery volunteers working for PRM showed. 

My eyes have been opened in so many ways + I have been blessed beyond words.

Ecola bible college at Portland Rescue Mission
Ecola Bible students serve at Portland Rescue Mission

Thank you Signe and Ecola Bible for serving our guests and being a part of our ministry!

What to Read

One of our staff, Arianne Benedetto wrote an excellent resource on helping the homeless during this pandemic. 

And our newest Lighthouse newsletter is out with Stories of Hope from the Mission.

Front cover of Portland Rescue Mission Newsletter

What to Watch

Everyone has a story …And sometimes that story isn’t what we’d imagine or hope.

At Portland Rescue Mission we believe in compassion and relational healing for men, women, and children struggling with homelessness. We know lives can be transformed through the compassionate expression of God’s love.

Watch our 2019 Year in Review and learn more about what Portland Rescue Mission does.

Volunteers to Celebrate

Volunteers and women in our short-term Connect program have generously donated their time to make cloth masks for our staff to wear in order to better serve and protect our vulnerable guests. Here is the full story: 

This project started with a few family members and friends who sought to contribute to the Mission in the midst of our COVID response. Being quarantined at home and seeing the shortage of PPE for front-line workers, as well as the vulnerability of our guests, they had the creative idea of making cloth masks to address this growing need.

This project started on March 18th, with two women and an idea. By March 21st, 3 days later, it had grown to over 20 sewers and 100lbs of donated clothes for fabric, given by other people in our community who heard about this cause.

Having lots of sewers but lacking cut-out fabric, our own Connect women jumped in, eager to help out. They faithfully dedicated time and effort to making ‘ready-to-go-face-mask kits’, by cutting out fabric and assembling all necessary items.

To date, we have received over 350 hand-made face masks, created and donated by these women and it’s only been two weeks! Masks continue to pour in and people outside of my social circle are reaching out, asking if they can contribute in this way as well.

What started as a small idea has grown into a small movement. I have been a little in awe of how eager people are to help out. It has been inspiring to see how many hands have gone into making these. From the sewers, to those who donated fabric, to our Connect gals, many have rallied together to support us during this trying time.

It has served as a reminder to me that God is faithful. He knows our needs, He knows how to meet them, and He cares enough to do so.

As life continues to change daily at the Mission and the anxiety and fear of our world weigh on us, it is my prayer that we can learn to tune everything else out and seek Jesus. Without Him, anxiety threatens to overwhelm. With Him, we find peace, rest, and freedom from fear.

COVID19 face masks made by Portland Rescue Mission volunteers

Quotes from our Connect Women

Having hot meals has been such a blessing. I have been blessed since I have been here.


I got into Portland Rescue Mission Connect hours before the shutdown and I have never been healthier or safer.  


I am grateful because the Portland Rescue Mission staff has been keeping us safe and fed. I am still able to work on myself. Because of Portland Rescue Mission I have felt protected.

Portland Rescue Mission Connect Women

What You Can Pray For

Please pray for our frontline staff as they work to keep our guests and themselves healthy.

Pray for our vulnerable neighbors as they try to stay safe while living on the streets.

Stay up with all the daily blessings happening at Portland Rescue Mission. Follow us on Facebook.
