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Springtime Glimmers

Springtime provides a constant reminder of new life and renewal. With the bareness of winter behind and the fullness of summer still months away, it’s important to take a moment and acknowledge the change and growth that these days bring, one at a time. Growth is a process, from a seed to a flower, from the old to the new. Take some time to acknowledge each moment along the way, not simply the end result.

One way the men and women in our New Life recovery programs do this is through “Glimmers.” A “Glimmer” is an acknowledgement of recent ways that God demonstrated His love toward us. These small moments are a recognition of God’s works of love or encouragement in your life, or even the way in which he used you to encourage someone else.

Here are some “Glimmers” from the men and women at our long-term recovery programs over the past month:

“God has shown me that I DO matter”

“I was hit with a sermon the other day by one of our volunteers. It was about how everything we have is God’s. Wow, I may not have the world in my hands, but what I’m allowed to have he has given me. Contentedness is amazing, he is truly pruning every branch for me and it’s so praise-worthy when you see it more and more every day that you’re sober with him.”

“My heart has been touched by the Holy Spirit. I find the blessings flood me, to and for others, when I am thankful in worship daily.”

“I had such a wonderful time at church today. I really felt the presence of Christ.”

“God sent an encouraging word yesterday, by means of another brother. I prayed directly afterwards. For this I am grateful.”
