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After losing 30 years of his life, Gary finds ‘home’ at Connect

Gary knows what it’s like to sleep outside. Cold, alone and afraid. He remembers the gnawing pain of hunger so strong that it kept him awake at night. “I’ve been so hungry. One time it was 3:00 AM and I knocked on somebody’s door begging for food. It was just a piece of bread, but…

119 September 8th, 2015 0
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Harry’s Fresh Food celebrates end of summer at Shepherd’s Door

Sometimes, partnerships are simply meant to be. And after Harry’s Fresh Foods connected with Portland Rescue Mission last year, it was it was evident to all it was the perfect match. “After we talked last year, Harry’s Fresh Foods fell in love with who we’re serving, what we’re doing to help the community and wanted…

122 September 3rd, 2015 0
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Mission Bar-B-Que, a hit at NW Alternative Housing’s annual picnic

The secret is out: Mission Bar-B-Que is a hit with people who have ordered from Portland Rescue Mission’s newest enterprise. Thanks, in part, to a story in The Oregonian about Mission Bar-B-Que pit master Dwight, a former New Life Ministries graduate of The Harbor, the praise keeps on coming. After reading Dwight’s story, as well…

102 August 27th, 2015 2
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Secure your legacy, support Portland Rescue Mission’s future

  When it comes to our finances, planning for the future can be quite an undertaking. And for many individuals, it can also be a very intimidating notion. Have you planned you and your family’s legacy? If not, Portland Rescue Mission is here to help, and we have free resources for you at PortlandRescueMission.org/Plan, which includes…

109 August 16th, 2015 0
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For people who are homeless, showers meet big needs at Burnside Shelter

For most people, a shower is a modern convenience – a regular part of our routine we give only a momentary thought. For others, it’s a lifeline, and one of the only things that makes them feel human again. “For men and women looking to get and hold a job, reestablish ties with friends and families,…

117 August 13th, 2015 0
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Lots of love shared at the Children’s Ministry Center of Shepherd’s Door

At Shepherd’s Door, recovery affects more than just the women in our New Life Ministry, recovery is also about their children. For the kids who enter the Children’s Ministry Center (CMC), their past comes with them. And, though it is difficult to overcome the past trauma many of the kids have experienced, Portland Rescue Mission staff and volunteers…

127 August 5th, 2015 0
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Recent heat wave = urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness

Already this summer, we’ve been scorched by some long stretches of very hot days, including last week’s record-setting temperatures when it was well over 100 degrees! Sweltering heat hits hard for men, women and children already struggling without food and shelter. Not just the literal heat that comes with the rising summertime temperatures here in the Rose City, but financial heat…

112 August 5th, 2015 0
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See lives transformed, join Portland Rescue Mission as a monthly supporter

Our dedicated staff and volunteers at Portland Rescue Mission love pouring out their hearts to serve men, women and children in need – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each year, at the Burnside Shelter, we serve over 330,000 nutritious meals and offer over 80,000 safe nights of shelter, as well as other…

116 July 23rd, 2015 0
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Homeless man’s music captivates nation, reconnects him with son (news roundup)

Here at Portland Rescue Mission, one of the greatest joys of what we do is to witness transformation in the lives of men, women and kids. From the moment someone steps into our New Life Ministries at either The Harbor or Shepherd’s Door, to the time they experience their graduation celebration, evidence of their past…

127 July 22nd, 2015 2
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Support Portland Rescue Mission with AmazonSmile on Prime Day

Are you ready for Christmas in July? You should be! Portland Rescue Mission supporters can shop this summer and give to the Mission through Amazon on Prime Day. If you are an Amazon Prime member, on July 15—this coming Wednesday—prepare for what Amazon says to be “a global shopping event, with more deals than Black Friday.”…

129 July 10th, 2015 0
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