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About Homelessness

How do you handle panhandling? Portland Rescue Mission explains

How do you handle panhandling? That’s the question that The Oregonian posed in part six of their eight-part series on Portland’s “homeless crisis.” And here at Portland Rescue Mission, we’ve detailed out seven ways we think that can best be accomplished. Those seven ways include the following: Anticipate the opportunity and be prepared Smile and…

132 February 24th, 2015 0
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‘Grassroots’ healthcare effort for homeless happening at Burnside Shelter

One of the issues often overlooked when it comes to homeless men and women is their healthcare needs. As a demographic that frequently uses emergency rooms, their healthcare can be very costly. And as a way of increasing the amount of outreach taking place, while also helping as many people as possible, the staff at…

109 February 3rd, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission, The Oregonian discuss ‘homeless crisis’

In case you missed it, our Public Relations Specialist Alexa Mason recently sat down with The Oregonian’s Anna Griffin to talk about Portland’s homeless crisis, an eight-week series the newspaper is working on. During Wednesday’s live chat, Mason spent some time answering reader’s questions about how we can help homeless men and women, and what…

127 January 31st, 2015 0
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3 Men Graduate From The Harbor!

Three men reached major milestones in their recovery process earlier this month! Joseph and Curtiss graduated from our New Life Ministry addictions recovery program, and Jonathan (2013 graduate) completed his Service Ministry program here at the Mission! So what’s next for these men? Joseph just got a job at Home Depot and is excited to…

96 November 13th, 2014 0
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Here’s A Great Way To Help Someone This Christmas!

Help a hurting person this holiday season with a heartfelt Christmas gift! For many of the men, women and children that we serve, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. Thanksgiving and Christmas often just remind our residents of their painful pasts, and many simply don’t have the finances to purchase Christmas gifts for…

100 November 12th, 2014 0
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GIVE HOPE Telethon!

Our Give Hope telethon is today! For many of us, the holiday season is a time for family, friends, and good food. But for thousands of hurting, homeless people in Portland, this season is just another reminder of their pain. Make a difference this year by donating during our telethon! Your telethon gift… Helps feed…

107 November 10th, 2014 0
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Bill Gets A Second Chance – Story of Hope

Bill had never been homeless before. He’d worked, married, and had several children during his life. He even remembers driving past Portland Rescue Mission and seeing homeless people outside waiting to get fed. “I remember thinking, ‘Boy, I never want to be in that situation.’ Well, here I am.” Alcohol had been a problem for…

119 November 4th, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 42 – Donation Needs

Right now we have a critical need for blanket and sock donations! As the weather gets cold and wet, more people come through our doors looking for help. You can help by either donating blankets and/or socks to our Burnside Shelter or to Shepherd’s Door. You can also make a quick online donation today and…

117 November 2nd, 2014 0
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Winter Shelter Opens!

Our winter shelter is opening today, expanding our nightly bed count to 172 beds for the fall and winter seasons to combat the colder weather that makes life on the streets so difficult for our homeless friends. Getting one of these beds for the night can be the difference between life and death for a…

104 October 31st, 2014 0
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Mondays at the Mission: Ep 41 – Patrick Finds Hope

Patrick came to Portland Rescue Mission several weeks ago in need of help. He’d found himself homeless, living on the streets for almost 6 months after battling drugs and alcohol. He came to us looking for a bed and meal, but he found so much more in our Link program that helps homeless men get…

109 October 27th, 2014 0
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