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About Homelessness

World Homeless Day – Top 10 Lists

Millions of people around the world mobilized to participate in the first annual World Homeless Day on 10-10-10. Portland Rescue Mission launched the www.1010PDX.org website as a catalyst and resource for participation in the Portland, Oregon area.

We’ve counted down the 10 weeks to 10-10-10 with a new Top 10 list each week to spark discussion and ideas.  We hope you’ll use these resources to help homeless men, women and children in your area throughout the year.

  1. 10 Myths About Homelessness
  2. 10 Online Resources About Homelessness
  3. 10 Homeless Organizations in the Portland, Oregon area
  4. 10 Places Homeless People Sleep
  5. 10 Items A Homeless Person Could Use
  6. 10 Tips For A Successful Collection Drive
  7. 10 Causes Of Homelessness
  8. 10 Ways To Help A Homeless Person
  9. 10 Things You Can Donate
  10. 10 Questions You Can Ask A Homeless Person
