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About Homelessness

Recent heat wave = urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness

HomelessWomenAlready this summer, we’ve been scorched by some long stretches of very hot days, including last week’s record-setting temperatures when it was well over 100 degrees! Sweltering heat hits hard for men, women and children already struggling without food and shelter. Not just the literal heat that comes with the rising summertime temperatures here in the Rose City, but financial heat and pressure that comes with …

… continued struggle with unemployment and underemployment

… fewer resources in the city to meet the growing need for safe shelter

… deep concerns that homelessness in Portland continues to grow, especially among women and families with children

Summer is always a trying time. We see the homeless population actually grow during Portland’s longer days and warmer weather. With all the outdoor activities and summer festivals, drug and alcohol abuse is more “in your face.” When street numbers surge, we have great opportunities to connect with men and women who live on the streets, but our resources are stretched. Cash donations drop by almost 50% compared with the rest of the year.

At the same time, the long lines of people 
we serve down at the Burnside Shelter each day is growing – 
up 11% since last year. That’s almost 3,000 more meals each month!

We know that God will supply all the needs of Portland Rescue Mission through friends like you. An extra special gift from you today would be such an encouragement. Your gift today would help offset the rising costs and the growing needs — issues we all struggle with, but they have a huge impact when you serve 500-600 meals each day (over 950 some days this past winter!) and try to provide basic services for hundreds of men, women and children throughout the summer months.

2015-Summer-Needs-Insert-1-up-(web)-1Please consider making a special mid-summer gift today. Your support will go directly toward helping us in giving hope and restoring life through our Hope, Pathway and New Life Ministries. Our Hope and Pathway Ministries are located in downtown Portland at the Burnside Shelter while our New Life Ministries for men, women and children are located at The Harbor and Shepherd’s Door, respectively.

P.S. – No matter what the weather’s like today, we know that summertime’s a “scorcher” when it comes to ministry finances.  Please pray about how you can help us as we stretch our resources to touch as many lives as possible during these summer months.  Thanks.
