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From addiction and doubt to confidence and hope: Sarah’s Jubilee story


Sarah is a recent graduate from our women and children’s program at Portland Rescue Mission, Shepherd’s Door.

“The day I arrived here, I knew the second I walked in the door, my life would never be the same,” said Sarah. She came to Shepherd’s Door fresh out of jail. “I spent 13 years addicted to drugs and all the destruction that comes with that.”

But her life radically changed.

Shepherd’s Door provided a safe place for Sarah to wrestle through her doubts about God and to find freedom from destructive codependent habits.

“My whole life I had run on fear and trying to make other people happy,” said Sarah. “I have gotten to the core of what codependency really is, and allowed God to heal my life in this area.”

She also came to some big conclusions about who God was. With an insatiable love for science, Sarah wrestled with doubts about God and the creation of the world.

“I had finally come the conclusion that no matter how much knowledge I have or don’t have about science and around creation, I believe God is who he says he is. And I believe I am who He says I am…

“My identity is not in what I do or don’t do, whether people like me or not. My identity is in who Christ says it is.”

Today, Sarah is celebrating her new life as a new person, a new creation.

Are you seeking healing or freedom from addiction? Learn more about Shepherd’s Door for women or The Harbor for men.


Sarah at the start of her program and Sarah today.
