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Burnside Shelter

Project Christmas Care: Make it a ‘Yellow and Black Friday’

Yellow-and-Black-Friday-logoAs of Friday, the Christmas season is officially in full swing. Malls will be packed with people. Decorations will be up everywhere. Christmas lights will be glimmering. And between now and December 25, the calendar will be joyfully packed with activities and other events.

It’s a time that, for many of us, is filled with joy, good times, and fun memories. For others, though, especially for many of the men, women and children in our recovery programs, Christmastime can also bring about painful memories.

And that’s where we need you to help us change this season’s narrative. We want to turn Black Friday into “Yellow and Black Friday,” and keep that momentum rolling through to Giving Tuesday.

Help us meet our goal of 160 gifts at $40 each—representing each man, woman and child we serve in our recovery programs. Join Project Christmas Care TODAY!

Your special gift will make it possible for us to purchase a meaningful gift for each man, woman and child in our program that we can wrap and put under the tree for them to open on Christmas morning.

So, instead of spending your Black Friday in retail stores, waiting in lines and maneuvering through crowds of people to grab the latest “doorbuster” sale, consider giving to Project Christmas Care, and transform your shopping ventures into “Yellow and Black Friday.”

As an added bonus, we’ve also included a special Christmas card you can download below and give to the person you want to honor for Christmas with a gift to the Mission. Just enter your email below and you’ll get a link back to the card you want (both a black and white option and a color version).

Our New Life Ministries are located at Shepherd’s Door (for women and children) and The Harbor (for men). Both facilities are located in northeast Portland and house up to 62 and 46 people, respectively. Our Connect Ministry is at the Burnside Shelter, and is home to 36 men and 16 women looking to transition quickly off the streets and into housing and/or stable employment.

Fill out my online form.
