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Benefit concert for Portland Rescue Mission coming June 6

Lake Grove Presbyterian Church's Sanctuary Choir

Lake Grove Presbyterian Church’s Sanctuary Choir

Summer blessings are en route for Portland Rescue Mission courtesy of Lake Grove Presbyterian Church, and you too can enjoy them come Saturday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church in downtown Portland.

On June 6, Lake Grove’s 90-voice Sanctuary Choir will be putting on a benefit concert entitled “Unfailing Grace.” Rounded out with brass, harp, timpani and organ, the Sanctuary Choir will be playing “something for everyone” as described by Wendy Bamonte, Director of Music Ministries at Lake Grove. This will include such favorites as “Trinity Te Deum” by Eriks Esenvalds, as well as “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “The Battle of Jericho” and other classic hymns. All proceeds from a free will offering will be donated to Portland Rescue Mission.


lake-grove-choir-3Since the 1990s, Lake Grove has turned much of their focus as a congregation to outreach and missions. From what was dominantly a partnership with World Vision only, Lake Grove decided to expand their efforts to include several international missions in Honduras, Zambia, Senegal and Bangladesh as well as more domestic missions like Portland Rescue Mission. The Sanctuary Choir’s efforts, in turn, have led them far and wide across the globe, and into places like Italy, France, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands.

In fact, it was in Europe where the Sanctuary Choir felt led to help out Portland Rescue Mission with a benefit concert.

“Our choir really does have a heart for mission and for extending Christ’s word and love,” Bamonte said. “Last summer, when we traveled throughout Europe giving free sacred music concerts, one of those was a benefit for a local organization called Serve the City. When we returned … we wanted to proclaim the Gospel through song while benefiting one of our local mission partners right here in Portland. We are so excited to team with Portland Rescue Mission!

“Lake Grove and Portland Rescue Mission have a long relationship and we want to support the amazing work that you do in our city – providing food, shelter and programs to those in need.” (For more information, see how our Hope Ministries, Pathway Ministries and New Life Ministries all work together at Portland Rescue Mission).

More than anything, though, Bamonte said the Sanctuary Choir’s heartbeat centers on one thing, Jesus Christ. And for both them as an individual ministry, along with Lake Grove as a whole, this means excellence in what they do is also imperative.

lake-grove-choirBesides dedicating time each Thursday evening to provide music for two Sunday services, the 90-voice all-volunteer choir participates in special music services and concerts all year long (and not just on mission trips). Back in 2010, the Sanctuary Choir was the only church choir from the Pacific Northwest to be handpicked to perform at the 2010 regional American Choral Directors Association in Seattle.

“No matter the style, the Sanctuary Choir’s singing is always steeped in excellence, and always to the glory of God,” Bamonte said. “Using our voices to help others and to preach the Gospel is an honor and a great privilege.”

Be at First Baptist Church on June 6 at 7:30 p.m. to witness “Unfailing Grace” for yourself – all while blessing Portland Rescue Mission in the process. There is no charge for admission and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
