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Shepherd's Door

Students Serve at Shepherd’s Door

Instead of spending extra money on coffee, movies and clothes, a group of students faithfully gives each month to provide a meal for the women and children at Portland Rescue Mission’s Shepherd’s Door facility. They purchase the meal and show up each month to cook, serve and spend time building relationships.

The monthly dinners at Shepherd’s Door started about 13 years ago as a church high school outreach, shared Dave Nizic, leader of their group. Many of the students are now graduated but still come back to serve. A few years ago, the church wasn’t able to continue funding the dinner service. “At that moment we all put our heads together and said that we can’t let this die.” The students decided they would carry the cost of the meal each month.

Ben has come with the group for the past 4 years. He see’s his financial contribution also as serving. “That’s part of the ministry –we can donate our time, that’s what we do here–but donating our money is really the other half of it,” he said.

“We love to come here–just to be able to serve food and be able to show God’s love. It’s a very easy and monthly way to do it and we love connecting with the people,” shared Micara, one of the students.

“There’s nothing like seeing in action the Holy Spirit and the changes that can be brought about through the education and the love shown here at Shepherd’s Door,” said Dave. Over the years, he has witnessed “ladies that came in really hurt and went out really strong.”

“I love it. It’s a great opportunity,” said Ben.

