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Her ‘Highlight of the Month,’ Emma Cooks Dinner at The Mission


Emma, Sarah and Mary making dinner for the women at Shepherd’s Door

I found her in the bustling Kitchen. She had a smile on her face and unmistakable joy.

This was her night to serve.

This was her night to shine.

Once a month, she comes to cook a big dinner at Shepherd’s Door, the women and children’s division of Portland Rescue Mission


Whenever Emma is in the house, you know everyone is going to eat good!

Tonight chicken cacciatore is on the menu.

The women love her homemade bread rolls and “They always love the desserts,’ she says. “Which reminds me, I need to put them in the fridge.”

Emma picks up a large Tupperware and then says, “You want to see?”

My mouth drops open as I admire her perfectly prepared squares of cake, each hand decorated. “Those are beautiful!” I exclaim.

img_9352She rushes the treats to the refrigerator.

“And made with lots of love, remember!” she calls. “Oh, we know it!” Says Sarah, a recent graduate and assistant kitchen manager.

It’s a busy night in the kitchen, but Emma isn’t fazed a bit.

“Why do you come and cook dinner?” I ask.

“Because we love the ladies. We love to serve them, we really do. And we do it with passion, lots of passion,” says Emma.

And her passion is evident. She is the perfect example of a joyful and faithful servant. Not to mention, she’s been cooking for the women these past 9 years!

“It’s always a pleasure for us to be here, to see these ladies. Its more than just a meal.”

For Emma, the meal is a way to engage in relationship with the women.

For anyone interested in volunteering Emma says,

“If you have the heart, it’s not just about the meal or whatever you do…it’s compassion for those in need. This is the place to serve.”

When the women enjoy dinner tonight, Emma hopes they encounter the love of Jesus.

Serving at Shepherd’s Door is “my highlight of the month,” shares Emma. “When we see those faces being so happy, it makes my day.”

Come share your passion with the men, women and children at Portland Rescue Mission. Apply to volunteer.

