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The Other Side of the Window – Doug’s Story of Hope

Doug knows what it’s like to try to fall asleep on the streets. Lonely. And cold.

“I remember waking up soaked to the bone. Freezing rain was falling on me. Someone at a gas station gave me some coffee, but I couldn’t even drink it. Every time I’d bring the cup to my lips, it would spill because I was shaking so hard – and not just from the cold. I was sad. Never thought my life was going to be like that.”

Read Doug’s full Story of Hope here!

Addictions had slowly rotted Doug’s life, decaying his relationships with family and friends. After decades of this self-destructive lifestyle, Doug finally found himself alone.

“I cried out to God for help.”

Watch Doug’s video here to listen to him tell his powerful story. 

Men like Doug need your help to overcome addiction and recover to healthy lives. Please visit www.PortlandRescueMission.org/Doug to donate today. Thank you for your support!
