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The Community Program

Last week we dedicated two houses in the Portland metro area, the newest additions to our New Life Ministry. The Men’s and Women’s Community Houses will be part of the newly established Community Program, a 12-month residential program for working individuals in recovery who need training and support to be adequately prepared for healthy, independent living and long-term recovery.

During their stay, residents will transition into the 4 different communities: home, church, recovery and work. Within their home communities, they will learn valuable skills in building healthy relationships with roommates and friends. Nearby churches connect with the men and women in the Community Program and build involvement through Bible studies and mentorships. Residents will connect with local AAA groups and Celebrate Recovery programs as they pursue long-term recovery. And finally, individuals in the Community Program will find work, supported by the relationships and roots they’ve established.

Eric Bauer, Executive Director of the Portland Rescue Mission, explained how the Community Program fit into the bigger picture of the services the Portland Rescue Mission offers, “We’ve been slowly building services for the last 12 years. From overnight shelter to several weeks of shelter, if you have a job, to 3-6 month stays if you want to get to a job, all downtown at Burnside. And then we have the recovery programs in North East Portland that are year-long. This last piece is helping people off-ramp from that progress into the community.” Each of these integrated ministries are available as a single path, or together as a larger journey from isolation to community.

If you, your church, or your recovery program is interested in getting involved, please contact communityprogram@pdxmission.org for more information!
