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Burnside Shelter

Thank You For Giving Hope This Easter!

Less than a week ago we challenged each of our supporters, fans, and social media followers – everyone we could reach – to help provide meals this Easter season. The fundraising dollar amount for Easter meals had been down significantly from 2013, while at the same time we were seeing an increase in the need for meals.


The response to our request was overwhelming. Hundreds of people pitched in to help, and over 10,250 meals were raised! Around 500 hungry, hurting people were able to share in good food and loving conversation on Easter day. Many homeless people don’t have friends or family to spend the holiday with, so the staff and volunteers here become their family!

The meals you helped raise brought hope and joy to hundreds of people on Sunday who otherwise may not have experienced it. And not just on Easter day – the meals provided in the last week will help feed hungry people in need throughout the whole season!

Didn’t have a chance to provide Easter meals? Provide a meal today! Give hope at www.PortlandRescueMission.org/Give. Thank you for your generous support!

