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Inside the Mission

Recovery Residents Enjoy Summer

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It’s been an awesome summer for our addiction recovery residents at The Harbor and Shepherd’s Door! Hot, sunny weather is here and the men and women in our programs have taken full advantage of the amazing natural beauty of Oregon. We’ve found that physical fitness and adopting a healthy, active lifestyle are key elements to the recovery process.

The men at The Harbor have enjoyed exploring the Columbia River Gorge while on multiple weekend hikes as a large group. For most of the men, this is the first time in a long time that they’ve engaged in a healthy, fun, physically challenging activity. The outdoor excursions are also a primetime for fostering group bonding, camaraderie, communication and friendship.

Screen Shot 2014-07-23 at 11.16.58 AMMany of the men have discovered they have a passion for sports and fitness this summer as well. In addition to hiking, dozens of the men have enjoyed playing volleyball, disc golf, fishing and other outdoor sports. And a group of residents just started training for another half marathon race that will be this October.

The women and children at Shepherd’s Door have also taken full advantage of the summer. Gardening is one activity the women have enjoyed, as it gives the ladies not only a skill for the future, but also an opportunity to relax and spend time cultivating God’s creation while they undergo an intense 12-month program. They’ve also been active with different churches in the area, participating in barbecues, firework shows, and other community activities.

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Like the men, many of the women have also fallen in love with running. Through the help of our amazing volunteers and a partnership with the organization Up And Running Again, several women successfully completed a half marathon earlier in the summer. Even more women are signed up for another one this fall.

Did you know we have more children this summer at Shepherd’s Door than ever before? We currently have around 20 children living onsite and another 15 that visit regularly. The vast majority of the children that live at or visit Shepherd’s Door have experienced great trauma in their short lives, so it’s been amazing to see their reaction to fun summer activities that other children see as normal. The kids have enjoyed arts camp, sports camp, a visit to a farm – and of course, life at Shepherd’s Door itself where they get to enjoy a large playground and other outdoor activities every single day.

Thanks for your support that has given our residents the opportunity to experience fun, healthy activities this summer! 

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