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Multnomah University’s “Day of Outreach”

Group Shot

Volunteer team at Drive Away Hunger

Earlier this month, a team of students from Multnomah University spent the day here at the Mission cleaning, raking, landscaping, organizing, and working hard to keep our facilities running smoothly!

Jonathan Explains

Jonathan, a graduate from our New Life Ministry, is now a volunteer coordinator here. He’s explaining the project.

Once every spring and fall, the school cancels classes and students help out a local nonprofit or charity with whatever needs they may have. This semester’s “Day of Outreach” brought 10 students to our Drive Away Hunger car sales and donations facility, as well as another team to Shepherd’s Door, our addiction recovery ministry for women and children.

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Volunteer team at Shepherd’s Door

We’re here to help out with whatever the Mission needs,” one volunteer said. “Whatever that may be!”

[callout title=”See Also”]Jonathan’s Story of Hope (now he’s one of our volunteer coordinators!)[/callout]


Aubrey details cars 20 hours a week at Drive Away Hunger. He’s one of the 40+ men that live at The Harbor.

The team at Drive Away Hunger spent several hours landscaping, sweeping the car lot, and organizing donated items in the warehouse there. This location is pivotal to our ministry – not only does it raise funds for operations, but it gives the men and women in our addiction recovery programs a chance to gain real-world work experience during the vocation phase of their recovery. You can read more about Drive Away Hunger here. 

“We’re mostly here to work, but this is also a great learning experience,” another student volunteer said. “Being around the issues of homelessness and addiction, you definitely take some things away from it.”

Danny Kugelburg, the Mission’s Community Partnership Lead, had nothing but praise for the students’ hard work. “Multnomah [University] has a desire for its students not to be insulated, but to be a light in the community – in voice and in deed.”

Interested in supporting the Mission? There are dozens of ways to get involved. Visit www.PortlandRescueMission.org/Join to discover where you fit best! 
