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Fred Meyer, Shoppers Help Homeless


Did you know that you can help end hunger and homelessness in our city by simply shopping at Fred Meyer? That’s right, in February and March alone, Fred Meyer shoppers raised 2,186 meals through Portland Rescue Mission!

Thanks to the generosity of Fred Meyer, supporting the Mission through this program doesn’t cost shoppers a dime. Instead, each store takes a percentage of your purchase total and donates it here to help hungry people in need. This blesses the Mission in a huge way, so we want to say a special thank you to Fred Meyer and everyone participating in this great program!

Haven’t signed up yet? It’s super easy, and you only have to do it once! Then, every single purchase you make at Fred Meyer will help hurting people in Portland. That means you could be contributing hundreds – even thousands – of dollars to the Mission without any cost to you!

Signing up is fast and simple. Here’s how:

