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BedMart Donates 25 Mattresses

Food and shelter are critical parts of the services we provide and are often the first things that come to mind when The Mission’s needs are thought of.  However, one key component of shelter that generally doesn’t come to mind are the beds the men and women sleep on.  Quality sleep is a critical component of the care we provide for our residents.

A good night’s rest is vital to the men and women we serve. For those in our intensive 12-month addiction recovery program, it allows for a refreshed body and mind each day – ready to take on new challenges and experiences during the process. Lack of quality sleep is often detrimental and inhibits residents from making positive steps toward recovery.

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A couple weeks ago BedMart Mattress Superstores and Tempur-Pedic stepped in to generously fill this need. They donated 25 new mattresses to Shepherd’s Door and The Harbor, our women’s and men’s addiction recovery centers, which allowed us to replace some older, worn-out beds.  What a tremendous blessing this is to our residents and a gift that will keep on giving for years to come!

This is especially exciting because BedMart Mattress Superstores is a locally owned and family operated company right here in Portland since 1992.

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Our BedMart family is proud to contribute to such great causes because we’re a local company supported by the local community, being able to reciprocate and give back means everything to us,” says Elana Stone, Vice President and Spokeswoman of BedMart Mattress Superstores.  “BedMart’s number one focus is the comfort and support for the families we serve every day. This drove our involvement in transitional housing because even people without a home should have a safe, comfortable place to sleep.”

