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A Glimmer of Hope

Homelessness hurts, especially when the weather turns cold and wet. Many Portlanders have nowhere to go for shelter and feel lost, hungry and helpless.

Thanks to caring people like you, there is more than a life trapped outside in the freezing rain. At The Harbor, our recovery program for men and Shepherd’s door, our community of women and children, hope is found. A feeling that not only warms the body, but also warms the soul. 

“God has worked in my life by bringing me into The Harbor.
A place where I can rest in His presence, learn His word and help others. I am extremely blessed and humbled today.” -Brian

Everyday, people like Brian are settled in a warm and safe place, feeling like they matter again. Brian, and so many like him, now wake up with a glimmer of hope. 

“Comforts me when life is uncertain.” -B

“God has worked in my life by bringing me into The Harbor.
A place where I can rest in His presence, learn His word and help others. I am extremely blessed and humbled today.” -Brian

“I’ve been blessed with a home, food, clothes and new friendships.
I’ve been re-united with family. I have 11 months sober and a relationship with Jesus Christ. All these things are within the last year. There are the things I hope to never take for granted.” -Mike

“God is helping me get by one day at a time.” -Anonymous 

‘He kept me safe, clothed and housed without me asking for it. Gave me this chance here at The Harbor to gain a whole new life.” – Anonymous

Anything you do helps someone in need! Go to https://www.portland-rescue-mission.local/volunteer to learn more about how you can get involved.

