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recovery graduation

Once completely afraid, Christina rediscovers anchor, love for service at Shepherd’s Door

When Christina first came to Shepherd’s Door, she was paranoid. From the day she stepped into the facility, she was afraid of everyone, and she found every day to be absolutely terrifying as a result. “Before I came here, I was caught up in a life of addiction and alcoholism,” she said. “There were so many…

121 August 18th, 2015 0
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Consumed by vengeance no more, Julie finds family at Shepherd’s Door

Julie minced no words as she kicked off her time on the stage in the courtyard at Shepherd’s Door, “There is really no one here that thought I was going to get here today,” she said. “I came in a Tasmanian Devil.” Julie explained how, before coming to Shepherd’s Door, she was consumed with anger and…

128 August 17th, 2015 0
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Rachelle escapes past, becomes ‘new creation’ at Shepherd’s Door

Two years ago, Rachelle had no idea what sobriety meant. Drinking since she was eight years old, Rachelle had always found herself a slave to some sort of substance. It was an endless cycle of pain, drugs, hopelessness, and more. There was no escape. No escape, that is, until she walked through the doors at Shepherd’s…

117 August 12th, 2015 0
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Elizabeth overcomes paralyzing grief, hopelessness at Shepherd’s Door

Completely grief-stricken and utterly broken, Elizabeth came to Shepherd’s Door after the pain of losing her husband became too much. Living life and trying to function in a healthy way became virtually impossible. Elizabeth had reached a breaking point, and the rabbit hole she tried to keep so hard from falling down was no longer avoidable.…

134 August 11th, 2015 0
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Five ‘miracles’ celebrated from The Harbor, one joyous graduation

Under a bright, blue sky and warm sunshine, five men from The Harbor closed one chapter of their lives to start a brand new one filled with real hope and possibilities. Loud and proud, and in front of a packed house at Crossroads Church in northeast Portland, those five “miracles” (as described by Life Skills…

110 April 22nd, 2015 0
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