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Burnside Blanket Drive

Tis the season of joy and generosity! As the days grow colder, the need for warm clothing and blankets grows at our Burnside shelter. Thanks to champions of the Mission like Oak Hills Presbyterian Church, we are able to continue offering blankets, coats and socks to men and women in need of extra warmth. Our…

157 December 11th, 2017 0
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One phone call started John’s redemption journey at The Harbor

Six years ago, John received the one phone call he never thought he’d get. It was his son. Even though John had abandoned him years before, his son reached out, desiring reconciliation in their relationship. John’s son wasn’t going to give up on his dad. Even while the days and years passed by, he continued to believe…

104 June 16th, 2016 0
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Xavier found the ‘potter’s house’ at The Harbor

Xavier was finished with failure. His whole life had been filled with it, and he knew that if he were going to ever stop perpetuating the cycle of brokenness, fear and destruction in his life, it would have to be now. No more excuses. Xavier was desperate for something different in his life. “From the…

114 June 9th, 2016 0
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From chaos to joy, Melissa finds freedom at Shepherd’s Door

Melissa lived a life of chaos. Before coming to Shepherd’s Door, she was heartbroken, overwhelmed and confused about who she was and what sort of value her life had. “I came in here with a lot of baggage, and I really had to be willing to let go of it all,” Melissa explained. “I wanted…

122 June 7th, 2016 0
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Lazara finds family, finds life at Shepherd’s Door

Family changed Lazara’s life at Shepherd’s Door. Prior to coming to Portland Rescue Mission, all Lazara wanted was to be reunited with her children. Walking through our doors, she knew it would take some work. A lot of work. But, by God’s grace, two months after she entered our New Life Ministry for women and…

109 May 19th, 2016 0
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Obi puts anger and paranoia in the past, finds family at The Harbor

Desperate. Destroyed. Directionless. Crazy. Mad. Before Obi came to Portland Rescue Mission, all are words he uses to describe his life. “When I came to The Harbor, I was at the lowest point of my life,” Obi said. “All those things that can give you inspiration, or help you triumph and give you a smile…

106 October 15th, 2015 0
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Not finished yet, Mike gets a second chance at The Harbor

“My life spun out of control, and I went off the deep end,” Mike explained about his life before Portland Rescue Mission. “I was a mess, and I told God ‘I’m done, just take me.’” But God had other plans. He wasn’t finished with Mike. Prior to coming to the men’s New Life Ministry at…

109 October 7th, 2015 0
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Steve becomes more than he ever thought possible at The Harbor

Steve didn’t know who he was, or why he even existed. Stuck down in southern California, and surrounded by nothing but isolation in “The Happiest Place on Earth,” Steve was homeless and addicted to drugs. He wanted out, and he saw two paths: End his life, or do whatever it takes to get better and recover…

107 October 2nd, 2015 0
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Tiffany unearths the desires of her heart at Shepherd’s Door

It took until a second year after graduating from the women and children’s New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door, but Tiffany finally discovered something she always wanted to find: the desires of her heart. After spending a year in recovery, and working tirelessly to overcome a dreadful time in her life, where “pretty much every…

119 September 9th, 2015 0
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Tia overcomes destructive past, becomes ‘miracle’ at Shepherd’s Door

“In my family, I’m a miracle,” Tia told the crowd at Shepherd’s Door. “I knew I was going down the wrong path as my family’s history is filled with stories of death and destruction from drugs. “There is only one person in my family who is not an alcoholic or an addict.” Before coming to…

112 August 25th, 2015 1
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