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project sleep safe

More guests find rest, safety with Portland Rescue Mission’s opening of Winter Shelter

“It’s painful to sleep outside,” Mike said as he ate breakfast at the Burnside Shelter. “Especially if you have a family.” At the time of the conversation, Mike had recently woke up from sleeping under the roof of Portland Rescue Mission, and was grateful to not be so “scatterbrained and uncomfortable” as he would have…

120 November 3rd, 2015 2
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October 10th is World Homeless Action Day

How will you spend World Homeless Action Day?   October 10th marks the 5th annual World Homeless Action Day. Since it’s founding in 2010, this day has been observed in several dozen countries with the goal to raise awareness about homelessness as well as celebrate and support local efforts to care for men, women and…

116 October 7th, 2015 0
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Project Sleep Safe: Give someone homeless refuge from the cold rain

(UPDATE: PROJECT SLEEP SAFE IS FULLY FUNDED! Thanks to everyone who contributed). Portland is known to be one of the wettest places in the country over the fall and winter months. Coupled with stretches of very cold temperatures, the Portland area can become miserable for people experiencing homelessness and living on the streets. That is why we are…

100 October 5th, 2015 0
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