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Portland Rescue Mission Personal Perspective: Gary Parkin

Volunteers play an invaluable role in the ministry of Portland Rescue Mission. In 2022 alone, 877 volunteers served a grand total of 15,397 hours. Each hour was filled with the kind of relational care that brings hope to men, women, and children who struggle with hunger and homelessness. The gifts of time, talent, and heart…

304 May 22nd, 2023
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TALES FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE: A Peak Inside the Burnside Shelter

This is a season of remembering and giving thanks. One of our favorite ways to stop and celebrate at the Mission is by sharing “Glimmers”- short stories of hope that each of us encounter. Below are a collection of our recent favorites from the Burnside Shelter, shared by director Tim, and Guest Care Manager, Andrew.…

133 October 31st, 2016 0
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