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pathway ministries

Project Sleep Safe: Give someone homeless refuge from the cold rain

(UPDATE: PROJECT SLEEP SAFE IS FULLY FUNDED! Thanks to everyone who contributed). Portland is known to be one of the wettest places in the country over the fall and winter months. Coupled with stretches of very cold temperatures, the Portland area can become miserable for people experiencing homelessness and living on the streets. That is why we are…

116 October 5th, 2015 0
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Help someone off the streets, refer them to our Connect Ministry

Refer Someone To Our Connect Ministry 1. Download your printable Connect brochure (PDF) below. 2. Hand it out to someone in need along with a Care Kit 3. Direct them to our Burnside Shelter for a hot warm meal: 111 West Burnside Street Portland, OR 97209 Want to do even more to help? Here’s 10 ways…

114 September 28th, 2015 0
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Conversations at Connect: Joanna talks about the power of a meal

For Joanna, a consistent meal at Portland Rescue Mission changes everything. A meal can be a start to a changed life. At the Burnside Shelter, Joanna found more than food, she found her value as a person. Q: How would you describe what the Mission has done for you? A: “I’ve been helped greatly. You…

123 September 21st, 2015 0
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Be a vehicle mechanic at Portland Rescue Mission, other job openings

Fall has arrived, and here at Portland Rescue Mission, we’re hiring for numerous positions all throughout our organization as we gear up for a very busy season. Our Drive Away Hunger car sales and donations team is in great need of a mechanic. If you have a knack for fixing up cars, and a heart to help…

144 September 17th, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission teaching guests to ‘Rent Well’ at Burnside Shelter

For those who participate in our Connect Ministry at Portland Rescue Mission, one of the main reasons they enter the program is to gain stabilization as they transition to permanent housing and/or a job. Connect is a key component of our Pathway Ministries. Our goal in helping men and women find housing inspired staff  at…

129 September 1st, 2015 2
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Recent heat wave = urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness

Already this summer, we’ve been scorched by some long stretches of very hot days, including last week’s record-setting temperatures when it was well over 100 degrees! Sweltering heat hits hard for men, women and children already struggling without food and shelter. Not just the literal heat that comes with the rising summertime temperatures here in the Rose City, but financial heat…

112 August 5th, 2015 0
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See lives transformed, join Portland Rescue Mission as a monthly supporter

Our dedicated staff and volunteers at Portland Rescue Mission love pouring out their hearts to serve men, women and children in need – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each year, at the Burnside Shelter, we serve over 330,000 nutritious meals and offer over 80,000 safe nights of shelter, as well as other…

116 July 23rd, 2015 0
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Portland Rescue Mission overnight staff serves as ‘light’ and ‘shield’

The night hours are some of the hardest for an addict. And at Portland Rescue Mission, our Night Ministry team sees this firsthand. Serving as both a light and a shield, Night Ministry faithfully intercedes as they provide a safe presence for the men and women in desperate need for shelter and healing. At both…

128 July 15th, 2015 4
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How do you help a panhandler in Portland? Meet Rhea

Rhea’s been “flying a sign” for two years in east Portland. “I hadn’t done it in a long time,” she says. “I didn’t think I’d ever have to do it again, ya know?” Some people’s signs tell lies to gain sympathy, but Rhea can’t make herself do that. “I just have to be honest about…

114 July 1st, 2015 0
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How do you help a panhandler in Portland? Meet Shane

“When I first lost my job, I still had my van,” says Shane. “I would drive to Washington and collect cans. I could make $100 a day.” But when Shane’s van broke down, he couldn’t afford to fix it. He lost his ability to recycle for an income. Panhandling seemed like his best option. That…

127 July 1st, 2015 0
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