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food catering

Mission Bar-B-Que, a hit at NW Alternative Housing’s annual picnic

The secret is out: Mission Bar-B-Que is a hit with people who have ordered from Portland Rescue Mission’s newest enterprise. Thanks, in part, to a story in The Oregonian about Mission Bar-B-Que pit master Dwight, a former New Life Ministries graduate of The Harbor, the praise keeps on coming. After reading Dwight’s story, as well…

97 August 27th, 2015 2
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Delighted southern couple deems Mission Bar-B-Que best in northwest

In case you haven’t heard, Mission Bar-B-Que is open for business at Portland Rescue Mission, and we can promise you, it’s really, really good. This, of course, may lead you to ask something else: How can we promise that, really? Well, we’re glad you asked. Now let us explain. On June 25th, we had our…

112 June 29th, 2015 0
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