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Shepherd's Door

Shepherd’s Door allowed Rachelle to stop running away, ‘let go and let God’

Rachelle, Shepherd's DoorMeet Rachelle.

There was a time when she had no hope and spent much of her time running away. Running away from hope and any sort of real direction in her life. Rachelle had “lost sight of everything.” She’d spend her days working and taking care of her kids while, deep within her soul, there was something much more devastating going on. Selling drugs was just a small part of it.

Watch and listen to Rachelle’s story as she explains how she was arrested, lost her kids, and ended up in jail. Find out how, despite all the pain, once she “let go and let God have control over her life,” everything changed. Two days before she was released from prison, Rachelle came to Shepherd’s Door where God was about to transform her life.

Today, Rachelle has not only graduated from the 12-month New Life Ministry, but she’s been reunited with her children and has agreed to serve an additional year as intake assistant. She answers calls from women desperate for help as she once was, and reassures them that hope can be found.

Thanks to generous support from friends like you, Rachelle — and hundreds more like her — have safety, healing and the opportunity for a new life.
