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This week we are celebrating four men from The Harbor and their completion of the New Life Recovery Program! These men have completed at least a year with us––growing in healthy community, new habits, Christ-like character and life skills.


A couple of them shared about their journey thus far.








“Before coming here, I was living in my car. I had about two dollars left. I was out of gas, nowhere to go. I didn’t have a job. I was just trying to stay alive.


The biggest change has been in my internal thought process. There was a moment where it suddenly made sense­––that my life is better today because I’m not drinking, and I’m not doing drugs.


God has given me hope. I believe he’s given me hope for a future.”



“Before I came to The Harbor, I hated myself. I hated a lot of things going on in my life. I didn’t want any help because I didn’t think I deserved it.

I have a messed up childhood. Once I realized that, I was able to build from there.

When I first got here, I felt lost, unworthy and unreliable. And now I feel like I’m strong, I’m trustworthy, and I’m loyal. I am a stronger person than I realize.

Thank you for making it possible for Justin, Anthony and many others to have a restored life. We are so grateful for your partnership.


