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Allen and Jill – July 2012 “Rescue Portland” Newsletter

Allen never knew his father. His mother walked out when Allen turned 18. As an adult, Allen walked out on his own wife and kids. It’s the type of relational brokenness that’s all too common in the lives of men and women who come to us for help.

Thanks to friends like you, Allen’s story doesn’t end there. In our July “Rescue Portland” newsletter, you’ll be encouraged to read how Allen overcame the devastating effects of addiction and has been reunited with his family. You’ll also read about Jill, who decided to get help after her addiction caused a car crash that could have killed her children.

Recovery residents like Allen and Jill are just a few of the many people who find hope in that first meal or night of safe shelter. Read their stories in the July “Rescue Portland” newsletter (PDF download). Watch their videos below and hear their “thanks” for being lifted out of a place of despair.

Allen’s Story of Hope on YouTube

“I was alone. All I had was my addiction.”

Jill’s Story of Hope on YouTube

A car crash saved Jill’s life.
