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About Homelessness

Against the Wall – Annual Report

New Annual Report Shows High Impact In Current Recession

Our latest Annual Report shows continued efficiency and significant impact in the lives of hurting people.

Since 1949, Portland Rescue Mission has been feeding and caring for hurting, hungry people. In recent decades, we’ve expanded our ministry to help men, women and children through addiction recovery, job training, education, emotional healing and spiritual renewal.

Three years into our economic downturn, many people are losing hope that it will ever turn around. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and discouraged, especially when you have family and friends who have lost jobs, homes and hope.

At the Mission, we see it in new faces every day… not just numbers, but hurting people. People on the brink of homelessness and all that entangles once you’ve lost everything and given up.

Download the 2009-10 Annual Report (PDF) to see how we’re helping men and women end their homelessness and move toward stability. Meet Jason and Connie, just two of the many people who are starting new lives thanks to you.

As Portland’s largest provider of emergency services, our daily services of meals and shelter continue to rise (see page 4 of the report). We deeply appreciate your support.

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