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About Homelessness

4 Steps to A Restored Life: The New Life Program

Most people know that Portland Rescue Mission gives hope to thousands of people in crisis by providing free hot meals, safe shelter, showers, clothing, mail service, 24/7 restrooms and chapel services.

But that’s just the beginning! Hundreds of lives are transformed in our free residential New Life Ministries at The Harbor for men and at Shepherd’s Door for women and children. In a year-long recovery, these hurting people journey from homelessness and addiction to a life of healing and freedom.

Below are the four phases that a man or woman will work through during their time in the New Life Ministries Program.

Phase 1 – TRUTH

See the truth about yourself, God and others.


Experience healing with open mind and heart.

Phase 3 – FREEDOM

Embrace a new life focused on growth.



Phase 4 – PURPOSE

Pursue a successful future filled with meaning.

Get help with addiction recovery: www.PortlandRescueMission.org/GetHelp
