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Stories from Staff

Steven Was Left Penniless

From Holly, a staff member of Portland Rescue Mission:

I have been haunted by a conversation I had with one of our guests recently, as he thanked me for the Christmas decorations that made the Burnside Shelter feel like home.

Steven, a successful investment banker, has been homeless for the last 13 months. In November 2008, his business partner became terrified at the stock market crash and stole all of their operating capital–hundreds of thousands of dollars–and left the business.

Steven was left penniless. He’s now divorced and his children want nothing to to with him as they are ashamed of his condition.

He is a young, nice looking man. Steven has no issues with drugs or alcohol and is always clean and well-groomed, but just can’t find a job. He has lost his home, his car, his family and is just holding onto hope that his luck will change soon.

That is truly what we give, hope–at the very end of a frazzled rope. I am so blessed and honored to be part of this wonderful ministry. Pray for Steven, that he will find a job and all the other things that he needs to rebuild his life.

Every homeless person has a story. In these tough economic times, your support gives men like Steven hope of putting their lives back together. Thank you.
