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Shepherd's Door

Two Women Embrace Recovery

Thanks to your support, two women are launching into new lives!

On September 20, 2013, Teri and Mikole graduated from our New Life Ministry, a 12-month residential program focused on addiction recovery, spiritual renewal and life skills training. Inside the safe, healing environment of Shepherd’s Door, our facility for women and children, they’ve healed from the root causes behind their devastating addictions.


“I think of life before sobriety at Shepherd’s Door: deceit, lies, procrastination, hiding, fear, isolation, acquiescing to things I didn’t believe in,” says Teri.“I was a feeble, downtrodden
person with absolutely no faith in myself, God, or anybody else for that matter. I had no self-worth. I do value myself now, and it’s taken a long time to get there. I have goals, ambitions, dreams that are coming to fruition. I’m not feeble anymore and my head is not hung low.” With this new confidence, Teri has taken a huge step forward, traveling to New Mexico to begin her new life.


Mikole has also moved on to a new life. “Before coming to Shepherd’s Door, I was completely broken. I hated everything about my life. My family was hurt and they didn’t know what to do with me anymore. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself anymore. I was scared and I was going to end up killing myself,” she says. “I believed that I wasn’t worthy of being here. I believed that I was trash, that I was no good. How could God love such a horrible person like me especially after all the things I’ve done?”

This fall, she started at Warner Pacific University as a full-time student, “Through the staff and through God, I’ve seen who I really am: I’m a beautiful person and I deserve so much more.”

Pray for Teri and Mikole as God leads them further into successful, joyful lives. They leave us with this bit of advice to those seeking recovery: “There is life after recovery, especially if you stay in recovery. Don’t stop until the miracle happens.”
