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Reaching Out

Tender Care for Homeless Women

Life for any homeless person is difficult. But much more so for homeless women — a majority of whom experience dangers of violence and rape while on the streets.

Last Saturday, April 24th, Portland Rescue Mission provided a safe haven for around 75 of these hurting women at our Burnside Shelter. Volunteers from the Community of Adsideo pampered women with massages, manicures, haircuts and clean clothing. The women enjoyed food, conversation and love in a safe, warm environment.

“A homeless woman is a lonely person,” says Jan Marshall, Director of Women’s Ministries. “When we massage her feet, she talks and talks to us. We have had profound moments with them. Jesus is always present at those times.”

Sadly, the numerous women we met last Saturday were likely back on the street that night. But for one day, they experienced care like they haven’t known in a long time.

Now we know their names. They know that we care. Inside our doors, they’re safe. It’s the beginning of a relationship through which we can invite them into recovery. When they’re ready, some will join us at Shepherd’s Door, our women and children’s ministry center, where they can journey toward healing and start a new life.

Your support helps us reach out to hurting, homeless women. You help us give something more. More than a meal. More than a bed.

You give hope.
